Preparing supplies for pet rabbit is vital if you plan to keep a bunny. Although rabbits are meek and gentle, they require proper care. It will be easier for you to care for your pet if you have complete pet rabbit supplies. This blog post will give you a list of the supplies you need for your bunny. Continue reading to learn more!

Supplies for Pet Rabbit

Housing for Pet Rabbit



Spacious hutch


A rabbit can live up to eight to ten years. Thus, you must prepare a suitable hutch for your bunny where it can live happily and comfortably. For small rabbits, the pen size must be at least 24 inches wide by 24 inches high by 36 inches long. On the other hand, you must provide at least 36 inches wide by 36 inches tall by 120 inches long.



Running Space


As active creatures, bunnies need five to eight hours of exercise daily. The minimum size requirement of a running space must be at least 32 square feet. If you have a lot of bunnies, you can build a two-story condo connecting the floors into a ramp. Undoubtedly, your bunnies will love their running space! You can also add tunnels and platforms.



Tunnels and Hideouts


Since rabbits are prey animals, they find comfort entering tunnels and hideouts. They will appreciate it if you give them some time to spend alone. When choosing tunnels and hideaways, ensure that your pet fits inside them. But ensure it is not too high, so your pet can still enjoy its privacy.



Rabbit Carrier


For your bunny’s safety, provide a comfortable rabbit carrier when traveling. Rabbits 7 to 8 pounds must have a carrier with a diameter of 13 inches. But for bunnies about 15 pounds, provide them a carrier 17 inches in diameter. Besides the size, consider the ventilation and comfort the carrier can give your pet.

rabbit inside a hutch

Indoor Supplies for Pet Rabbit



Pet Gates


If you have an indoor rabbit, you must have pet gates to keep it away from dangerous areas. You don’t want your pet hopping around the kitchen and gnawing the wires of your appliances. As much as possible, choose pet gates that are made of metal. Rabbits tend to chew gates that are made of plastic.

To prevent tiny bunnies from escaping, add wire mesh to the gates. If you have a high jumper bunny, place a semi-circle playpen grid at the top of the gate. It will give you access to your pet but will prevent it from getting outside. You can also put tile or linoleum at the entrance, giving your bunny a poor footing.



Cord Protector


Bunnies love to chew anything. Unfortunately, they often mistake wires for roots, making them prone to electrocution. You can cover the cables with a cord protector if you cannot put them in inaccessible spots. You can use rigid plastic tubes and flex tubing. Other options are spiral cord wrap and PVC pipe. There are wire concealers that can hide the cables, keeping your house looking good.



Housing Supplies for Pet Rabbit



Litter box and Fillings


Although rabbits are clean animals, they don’t bury their poop as cats do. Thus, you must put a litter box inside your pet’s cage. It would be easier for you to clean its cage, and your pet would enjoy a cleaner environment. Litter boxes reduce the odor to prevent your surrounding from smelling like urine. Besides the litter box, prepare the fillings, such as aspen shavings.



Water Bottle


Most rabbit owners prefer water bottles to water bowls. It is because bunnies step over them, making them wet. As we know, rabbits that have damp fur are more prone to flystrike. Even though you have only one bunny, it needs to consume at least ½ cup of water per pound of its body weight daily. Also, choose a water bottle that does not have a leaking nozzle.



Food Bowl


In addition to the items mentioned above, you must include the food bowl. Choose a food bowl that is made of a bunny-friendly material. Since rabbits love to chew, they may also gnaw their food bowls. Hence, you must ensure that your pet won’t ingest harmful chemicals. Aside from that, select a food bowl that is easy to clean. 





Unfortunately, boredom can cause your bunny to show destructive behaviors. Hence, you must keep it entertained and stimulated by providing safe toys inside its cage. Wicker, untreated straw, and sea-grass mats are toys you can give your pet. Moreover, baby toys like stacking cups and key rings are also safe for them.

A rabbit in its litter box

Daily Food Supplies for Pet Rabbit



Unlimited hay


Hay is vital to your bunny’s diet since it is a good source of fiber. Giving enough fodder to your pet can give your bunny a healthy gut. Also, feeding it with hay can keep its teeth strong and trim. For young bunnies, you can provide them with alfalfa hay. But once your pet becomes an adult, you must start feeding it with timothy hay. There are also other kinds of hay that you can choose. 



Fresh leafy greens


Although leafy greens are only 10% of your bunny’s diet, you should feed them to your pet. Leafy greens are rich in nutrients, especially microgreens. However, you must ensure that the veggies are safe for your pet. Never give it cabbage, iceberg lettuce, and rhubarb. Also, wash the veggies before giving them to your pet to get rid of dirt and pesticides. 





Pellets can be part of your bunny’s diet. However, some rabbit owners tend to stick to hay and leafy vegetables. It is because giving low-quality pellets can cause obesity and other health conditions. High-quality pellets should consist of 22% crude fiber and 14% protein. Although pellets with seeds and dried fruits look tasty, they are unhealthy for your pet.

Daily Food Supplies for Pet Rabbit

Pet Grooming Supplies for Pet Rabbit



Flea Comb


With the help of a flea comb, you can remove fleas from your bunny’s fur. It is also non-toxic, so it is safe for your bunny. Luckily, bunnies love it whenever their furs are brushed with flea combs. Hence, you won’t have a hard time grooming your pet. They find the activity physically and psychologically satisfying.



Slicker Brush


Due to rabbit shedding, a slicker brush must be inside your pet’s grooming kit. It can remove your rabbit’s loose fur without getting it hurt. This brush also works even for rabbits with long and thick fur. But it is recommended that you use a slicker brush with metal bristles to easily brush their coats. 



Nail Clippers


Unlike humans’ thin and flat nails, rabbits have round nails. So you must have a pet nail clipper with a rounded edge. Most owners find it easier to use scissor-style clippers for their bunnies. But if you can’t find nail clippers designed for rabbits, cat nail clippers can do the job.

Grooming Supplies for Pet Rabbit

Medical Supplies for Pet Rabbit



Heating pad and cooling pad


Compared to other pets, rabbits are more sensitive to extreme temperatures. Exposing them to intense heat may lead to heatstroke. On the other hand, too much cold can result in hypothermia. Thus, you must keep a heating and cooling pad in your pet’s first-aid kit. Non-chewable heating pads and cooling pads are highly recommended.



Infant gas drops


Feeding rabbits too much kale, broccoli, and cauliflower may result in gas pain. So, you must always have infant gas drops. It is a gas relief for babies and is also safe for bunnies. When giving the medicine, use a syringe so your pet can take the exact dosage. Provide one cc for small rabbits while two cc for medium and large ones. 



Styptic powder or cornstarch


While trimming your pet’s nails, you can injure your rabbit by cutting the nails too short. Don’t panic when your pet starts bleeding. Apply a styptic powder or cornstarch to the injured area. Always keep the styptic powder or cornstarch inside your rabbit’s first aid kit. Preparing it before grooming your pet can help you if accidents occur.



Cleaning Supplies for Pet Rabbit



Hand vacuum


When cleaning your rabbit’s poop, a hand vacuum is better than a broom and dustpan. Since a hand vacuum is cordless, you can clean even those places that are hard to reach. It is also effective in cleaning up small droppings. However, ensure that the droppings are smaller than the vacuum hose. Prevent the hand vacuum from sucking your bunny’s bedding since it may clog the cleaner. If there are long strands of hay, you must remove them using a broom and dustpan. 



White vinegar


Keeping white vinegar can help you clean your bunny’s cage. It is an effective disinfectant because of its acidity. You also don’t have to worry since it is safe for your pet. Because of its smell, rabbits keep it away from white vinegar. It also helps in reducing the bad smell inside your rabbit’s cage.



Chlorine Bleach


For stubborn stains, you need to use chlorine bleach. However, be careful in using this chemical since it can endanger your pet. It should be diluted enough to make it safe for your pet. Because of rabbits’ sensitive skin, strong chemicals like chlorine bleach can harm them. The ideal mixture is 1 part of bleach for 32 parts of water. 



Frequently Asked Questions



What pet rabbit supplies do I need inside my bunny’s cage?


The pet rabbit supplies you need inside your bunny’s cage are a litter box, water bottle, and food bowl. You also have to provide your pet with suitable bedding and litter filling. To prevent your pet from experiencing boredom, giving it safe toys can help. If your bunny stays indoors, prepare a pet cage and cord protector. 



What pet rabbit supplies do I need for my pet?


Some pet rabbit supplies you need for your bunny include a hutch, running space, and tunnels. Housing supplies, daily food, and pet grooming supplies are also necessary. Keep medical supplies for pet rabbit, especially when accidents and rabbit injuries occur. Cleaning materials are also vital to keep your bunny’s cage clean and odor-free. Below is a video showing how you can organize your rabbit’s supplies.


Complete supplies for pet rabbit is essential to provide your bunny with a healthy life. Since they are sensitive creatures, you must choose the best pet rabbit supplies. When selecting the items, ensure that they are safe for your pet. Aside from that, they must also be durable enough to last for the coming years.

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