Knowing the suitable rabbit pen size is vital to provide your bunny with a perfect enclosure. The enclosure must be large enough to give comfort to your pet. It must also be big enough to fit all the rabbit supplies. The condition of your bunny’s habitat significantly impacts its well-being. Learn what is the best rabbit pen size for your pet today!


Rabbit Pen Size for Bunnies


rabbit cage size

Rabbit Pen Size for Bunnies


Rabbits need a suitable habitat to grow healthy and strong. A cage that is too small may result in discomfort. It will also prevent your bunny from moving around. It may stress your pet and lead to poor hygiene conditions. Thus, your bunny becomes prone to health conditions like flystrike and ear mites. 

The ideal rabbit pen size for bunnies must be large enough to do their day-to-day activities. These include grooming, eating, resting, drinking, and hiding. The rabbit pen size must be at least four times the size of your bunny. It would be better if the hutch is larger to give your rabbit a lot of room. 

Consider the average measurements

On average, Bunnies should live in a hutch with at least 12 square feet of living space. However, larger breeds require larger areas. For the width of the cage, you must know how long the body of your bunny is when fully stretched out. Small and medium size bunnies reach 60 cm. Thus, it must be how wide the cage is. For large or giant bunnies, it is 90 cm.

Estimate the length of the bunny’s cage by measuring the distance your pet covers when it hops 3 to 4 times. Tiny bunnies usually cover 18 cm for one hop, while larger breeds cover 60 cm. As a reminder, the hutch should be tall enough for the bunny to stand up without touching the roof. A small standing bunny is about 60 cm, while 90 cm is for larger breeds. If you plan to put many rabbits, you only have to double the cage size per rabbit.


Considerations for Rabbit Pen Size



What size is your rabbit (when fully grown)?

Remember, the little baby rabbit will grow. How large do you expect he will be? Plan the pen for that size.

How active is your rabbit?

Some breeds are known to be quite active, while others are a bit more laid-back. Even within breeds, some are just quieter than others. If you aren’t sure where your rabbit fits in this area, it’s best to err on the side of caution and plan for a larger space.

How much time will your rabbit spend in his pen?

If the pen is merely for sleeping and resting between exercise and house-time, the size might not need to be quite so large. However, if your fur friend will spend most of the day in his pen, plan for a larger space.

What area will the pen be kept?

Remember to consider the space your pen needs. Do you have room for that big double condo cage in your living room? Or will the main rabbit pen be kept in the play room? Consider the amount of room the pen needs and plan accordingly. The hutches shown below are good choices for indoor rabbit pens . They are practical, easy to clean, good for the bunny, and look nice in your home, too.


Exercise Area for Bunnies


An average bunny requires four hours of exercise daily, so you must provide an exercise area. Ideally, it should be attached to your pet’s living space, making it more accessible. A round-around system can help. In terms of size, your pet’s exercise area must be at least 32 square feet. Ensure that the flooring is comfortable to prevent your bunny from sore hocks. You can use a thick carpet or yoga mat.

You must also place a high fence to the exercise area to prevent your pet from escaping. It must be at least three to four feet tall. Don’t forget to put toys, platforms, and chew toys to keep your furry pet entertained and stimulated. You can also let your bunny enjoy its privacy by putting tunnels inside the exercise area. Note that the pens shown below will all work well for outside use, when your rabbit is supervised. The first 3 will also work well indoors.


rabbit cage size

Materials and Designs for Rabbit Pens


Aside from the rabbit pen size, you must also consider what materials are the enclosure made of. Rabbits have sensitive skins and digestive systems. They may suffer from different ailments if they ingest or touch harmful chemicals. Also, they are prone to sore hocks, so you must ensure that the pen has suitable flooring.

A wire-sided cage is ideal for a bunny since it provides the required ventilation. It is also easy to clean and sturdy enough to prevent your pet from escaping. However, it must have solid flooring in at least some of the areas. Since bunnies don’t have paw pads, they are prone to sore hocks, especially if their cage’s flooring is made of wire. 

Flooring Material

Vinyl is one of the best floorings for a cage. It is less costly compared to other floorings. In addition to that, you can easily clean it by sweeping and wiping it. But if your rabbit loves to chew a lot, you can use straw and grass mats. Your bunny can chew on them without getting harmed. However, they are not durable, and they acquire molds when wet.

The cage’s door must be broad enough so you can easily remove the litter box and your bunny from the cage. A side door is one of the best options since it will allow your pet to go in and out of its cage. Some prefer a top-opening pen that has a wide door, though some find, it is difficult for your pet to get out of its cage. Ensure that the edges of the enclosure are smooth to prevent your pet from getting injuries.


Ideal Indoor Pens


One of the best enclosures for your indoor rabbit is a playpen. Since it is collapsible and lightweight, you can move and place it wherever you want. You can also clean it easily and make it larger by adding more extensions. In fact, it can accommodate the giant bunnies, providing them with comfortable spaces. 

You can also provide a large dog crate for your indoor bunny. It is a suitable cage for rabbits that don’t know how to use the litter box. It is enclosed and secured. Hence, the bunny’s poop is contained inside the cage. But make sure it has solid flooring since most dog crates’ floorings are wire.

Place a multilevel enclosure if you have ample space inside your house. Thus,  your bunny will have a lot of room to play and exercise. DIY enclosures can also help you create this kind of pen. However, they are more expensive compared to playpens.  Below you will note that we have shown 2 cages and a 2-tier hutch. The hutch will work inside but also can be kept outdoors. The cages need to be indoor pens.


Setting Up an Outdoor Hutch


Some owners keep their pets in an outdoor hutch due to limited space and unsafe environments. But putting them outdoors is more dangerous than keeping them inside our homes. They are more vulnerable to predators, harsh weather, and parasites like mites. Thus, if you must set up an outdoor hutch, you must set up your bunny’s hutch properly.

To protect your pet from predators, ensure its cage has no holes or other damages. If there are any damages, you must fix them right away. Installing dual locks will also make them safer. Some predators can open simple locks, like raccoons. Also, clean the bunny’s cage daily to prevent parasite infestation. Remove your pet’s leftovers and wipe the pen if there are any wet areas. A dirty enclosure can affect your pet’s hygiene.

Consider the Temperatures and Changes

You also protect your pet from extreme temperatures. Since they don’t sweat, they cannot easily regulate their body’s temperature. Too much heat can lead to heatstroke, while too much coldness may result in hypothermia. You must choose a suitable place to put the pen. It must have enough shade, protecting your bunny from heat and rain.

As prey animals, rabbits need to feel secure all the time. You should place the hutch where it leans on a solid wall. Never put the enclosure in an open place where your pet is exposed. It may experience extreme terror and stress, affecting its health. Also, ensure the environment is quiet since bunnies are frightened by loud noises. 

rabbit cage size

Rabbit Supplies

  Providing your bunny with supplies in its cage will make its life more comfortable. Thus, you must have a suitable rabbit pen size to fit all supplies. You can provide bedding to keep your pet comfortable inside its enclosure. Some of the best options include mats, fleece bedding, and bath mats. Never use cedar shavings and non-kiln-dried pine shavings. 

Another supply that you shouldn’t forget is the food bowl. Bunnies love to chew, so prevent giving them food bowls made of plastic. They may ingest some of the harmful particles that may poison them. Choose a lead-free bowl. You must also place a water bowl or bottle inside the hutch. If it is a water bottle, it must be BPA-free.

Where to place the hay rack

Although a hay rack is optional, it is recommended to have it and place it inside your pet’s cage. It keeps the hutch tidier, saving you from constantly cleaning up the pen. Besides the hay rack, you must also place a litter box. Training your bunny to use a litter box makes cleaning its cage easier. You can also monitor your bunny’s health by checking its litter box. 

Placing a natural wood inside your bunny’s cage can keep it stimulated. Bored bunnies are destructive since they may chew everything inside their cage. However, giving them natural wood provide mental stimulation and physical exercise. It also keeps them preoccupied, preventing them from doing their bad habits. 


Cleaning the Bunny’s Cage


Keeping your bunny healthy is not limited to providing a cage with a suitable rabbit pen size. But you also have to keep its cage clean every day. Part of your task as a rabbit owner is to clean the hutch daily and weekly. Daily cleaning maintains the freshness of the cage. On the other hand, weekly cleaning is the time to deep clean your bunny’s home. 

Tasks for daily cleaning are washing the food bowls and refilling the water bottle. In addition to that, you must also wipe away water spills and urine clumps. Don’t forget to place fresh hay and scoop the litter box. 

Weekly cleaning includes cleaning toys and replacing bedding with a clean one. You must also remove the urine deposits by wiping the hutch with hot water and vinegar. Cleaning the litter box is also one thing you must do once a week. It is an opportunity to check your bunny’s poop to see if it is healthy.


Frequently Asked Questions


What is the best rabbit pen size for dwarf bunnies?

 Dwarf bunnies like Netherland Dwarfs must have at least a rabbit pen size of 24 inches (60.96 cm) wide x  30 inches (76.2 cm) long. Most cages will be at least 18 inches high but 24 inch height is better to allow the rabbit to stretch upward.


What is the best rabbit pen size for giant bunnies? 

 Giant breeds like Checkered Giants must live in a cage of at least 36 inches (91.44 cm) wide x 24 inches (60.96 cm) tall x 60 inches (152.4 cm) cm long. It is possible to keep your giant bunny in a smaller cage, such as one that is 36 x 24 x 36, but he will need considerably more time in a larger area for exercise.


What is the best rabbit pen size for two bunnies?

 Again, this depends on the size of the rabbits. While two rabbits kept together don’t necessarily need double the space, you should plan for a floor area at least one and a quarter times that for a single. So, two small rabbits might be fine in a 24 inch by 48 inch floor area with the same height as a single rabbit. However, keep in mind that some rabbits are more active and may need additional room to be comfortable.


The Right Rabbit Pen Size Depends on the Rabbit’s Size and Activities


By knowing the rabbit pen size, you can provide your pet with a perfect home. Aside from the size of the cage, you must also consider its materials and setup. Keeping the hutch clean daily will make your bunny healthy and happy. As you do your best for your rabbit, expect it to love you more as its furry parent. 

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