Having a pet rabbit in your home offers unconditional love, companionship, and hours of entertainment. But one of the best decisions you make as a pet owner is to keep your pet rabbit indoors, as this choice has numerous benefits. From protecting them from predators and nasty weather to giving them plenty of playtimes, learn why keeping your pet rabbit indoors is the best idea!
My Experience
Our family pets normally live indoors with us. Of course, they go outside for exercise and play. But we consider them family members, so they live with us.
When our children had several rabbits, some were kept in outdoor hutches designed explicitly for their safety. This gave them a chance to enjoy the outdoors. But it also left them vulnerable to potential problems.
When I had the chance to bring a couple of my pet rabbits indoors, the difference in their lives and in our relationship was amazing! They cuddled more. One of them would snuggle by my neck and seem to whisper. We definitely enjoyed our days together so much more!
Bonding is easier when your pet rabbit is kept indoors
Reasons to keep your pet rabbit indoors
- Bonding and companionship
- Better health and longevity
- Easier to control their environment and diet
- Reduced exposure to predators and injury
- Reduced risk of parasites and disease
- Apartments might not have outdoor space for your pet
- Your pet rabbit is part of the family
The Bond with Human Companions.
A pet rabbit kept indoors is more likely to form a strong bond with its human companion, as they are exposed to them daily. This type of long-term companionship has been known to increase your pet’s lifespan since rabbits in the wild live an average of five to eight years compared to those with caring indoor owners that can expect their rabbit’s life span to last twelve or more years.
Rabbits adapt to environmental changes, allowing them to enjoy the comforts of home and human companionship. Having a dedicated space in the household that emulates the rabbit’s natural instincts helps this, too.
Include play areas and shelters with plenty of hay or straw-filled beds. Build a trusting relationship between your bunny and yourself through activities like petting and playing with toys to keep your favorite pet happy. At the same time, they delight in being part of your family.
With the time they spend with you, your rabbit develops that close bond similar to other pets such as dogs. When you keep your pet rabbit indoors, you have more time together. You might even enjoy a snack together while watching a favorite TV show.
Their Health and Longevity are Increased when pet rabbits are kept indoors
Keeping your rabbit indoors means that you can provide them with the optimal environment for their health. This includes clean air free from environmental toxins, an escape from predators, and proper nutrition. A well-cared-for indoor rabbit has a better chance of living a long healthy life as compared to those kept outdoors. As mentioned earlier, the average lifespan of a pet rabbit indoors is 12+ years with good care.
Wild rabbits seldom live past the age of 5 years. A pet rabbit kept outdoors in a suitable shelter might live longer. But the chances of disease, predators, and even weather problems exist. Like most pets, an indoor rabbit enjoys the best opportunities for a long and healthy life.
Easier to Control their Environment & Diet when keeping your pet rabbit indoors
We mentioned the weather. And in fact, for your caged pet rabbit, weather changes often create health problems. Rabbits prefer cooler air, so warm summers often cause stress and health issues.
But cold winters have other problems. Water dishes freeze. And sensitive ears and feet might get frostbite.
Keeping your pet rabbit indoors makes controlling its environment and diet much more manageable. As previously mentioned, rabbits are sensitive to extreme temperatures and can become ill as a result. Being able to regulate the temperature of your indoor environment for your rabbit is key for their health. Additionally, you can monitor their diet better and ensure they have access to fresh hay and nutritious vegetables.
Just as we humans prefer an indoor home, so do our pet rabbits. Of course, they also enjoy some playtime outdoors in the grass or at home. Just be sure they are safe from harmful items and other pets.
Reduced Exposure to Predators or Injury Outside.
Keeping your pet rabbit indoors can vastly reduce the chances of them being exposed to predators or other potential threats, such as cars and other animals that may hurt them if they were encountered while outside.
Even if your pet rabbit is free-roaming on your property, it’s impossible to monitor their activities 24/7. You’ve provided a much safer environment for your pet by bringing them inside. In fact, your rabbit might be less secure when kept out of a pen outside.
Neighboring cats, dogs, or wild animals seek rabbits as prey.
Even rabbits kept in secure hutches outdoors can become hunted by predators. If you must keep your pet outdoors, ensure his pen is solid and secure. Better yet, keep him indoors unless you can watch him during playtime.
Reduced Risk of Parasites and Diseases.
Keeping your pet rabbit indoors also helps protect against parasites and other diseases that can be picked up from playing outside. Parasites like fleas, ticks, and intestinal worms are much less common than rabbits kept outdoors.
Your rabbit is also less likely to pick up the diseases contracted from wild animals and more likely to receive appropriate medical treatment if needed due to the closer supervision of an indoor environment.
Even if your rabbit is kept in an outdoor hutch, wild rodents, and birds may carry diseases and parasites to him. Those kept indoors rarely have such problems.
Apartments Don’t Usually Allow Outdoor Pets, But…
In fact, many rentals won’t allow outdoor pets at all. Although rabbits are clean and odorless when properly cared for, landlords just don’t like outdoor pets. Many also refuse to rent with pets at all. Please be sure to check your rental agreement before adding a new pet.
If you have an Emotional Support Rabbit, your rabbit must be allowed to live with you, according to the ADA requirements. To find out more about ESA rabbits, read How Do Emotional Support Animals Help With Depression and Why an Emotional Support Rabbit Might Be the Perfect Companion for You.
Colleges also allow Emotional Support Rabbits in apartments and dorms. Students need to show the proper paperwork but no additional fees apply.
Your Pet is Family
This might be the biggest trigger of all. Your pet rabbit lives indoors with your family because he is part of the family. Just as your pet dog might enjoy snuggling on the couch with you, a pet rabbit often chooses to do the same. Keeping your pet rabbit indoors often means rabbit-proofing your home to keep him safe and happy.
Still Wondering about the Benefits of Keeping a Pet Rabbit Indoors?
Check out these seven benefits. When weighed against the outdoor option, it becomes quite clear. The benefits of keeping your pet rabbit indoors far outweigh any reason to keep him outside.