Many rabbits act like everything wants to kill them! And in nature, that makes sense. Rabbits are prey animals. That means that many carnivores seek them out for dinner. But why is my rabbit afraid? He’s safe in our home.

Rabbit Afraid or Anxious? How to Tell If Your Bunny Is Scared


Is your bunny scared? How do you know if a rabbit is afraid? There are some common signs of fear in rabbits. If your rabbit exhibits any of the following behaviors, it may be a sign that he is scared and anxious.

Look for These Signs of Fear

  • hiding in the corner of his cage
  • avoiding contact, not wanting to be petted or held
  • seeming stressed, breathing heavy
  • trying to nip or bite when you reach for him
  • pinning his ears back against his head and neck
  • running quickly away as you approach
  • loudly thumping his back feet

When pet rabbits are scared, they naturally try to get away. If they feel cornered, they may bite. By watching rabbit body language, you can learn to recognize the rabbit’s body language and adjust your movements to help him relax.

Rabbit Afraid: Understanding Timidity in Bunnies

In the wild, many animals consider the rabbit to be their next meal. As a result, they have developed instincts to stay alert and find ways to avoiding predators. Rabbits are prey animals and wild rabbits need to find ways to stay safe.

Your pet rabbit still holds those same instincts. Loud noises and sudden movements often cause a nervous rabbit reaction. He is simply responding to cues that his life might be in danger.


Rabbit Afraid: Recognizing When Your Bunny is Scared

Look for the signs that we mentioned above. Just like people, rabbits react to stress and fear. And scared rabbits show obvious signs of fear. Be aware that a scared rabbit might bite if he feels cornered.

What Are Rabbits Afraid Of?

But your pet rabbit has nothing to fear. You set up a nice cage, secure from any other pets. Typically, pet rabbits live a life of happiness and safety. Their lives are quite comfortable.

Still, those instincts remain quite powerful. Loud noises or sudden movements bring him to the alert and ready to flee attitude in less than a second. Wild rabbits depend on these instincts for survival. A stressed rabbit, even if safe in your home, will respond the same.

Alert Posture

He’s ready to run! You’ll notice he is up on those strong hind legs, ready to race away. Even if he is caged, his body tenses, ready to flee.

Watch for the hind legs, too. Not only do they run fast. They also can really kick, when the fearful rabbit cannot easily escape.

Alert Ears

When on alert, anxious bunnies keep those ears up and often twitch. They listen for any sounds that might indicate an enemy.

If he then cowers in the corner and pins his ears flat, he is trying to hide. A rabbit’s ears provide plenty of information about what he is thinking.

Physical Illness or Disease

Most animals don’t show signs of illness when at all possible. In the wild, a sick animal is easy prey. So their instincts take over and contain the pain or sickness.

But that doesn’t stop the fear response. If your normally friendly rabbit seems anxious or stressed, he might actually be ill. Do a thorough check on him. If you don’t see any signs of illness or injury but he is still fearful, consider a trip to the veterinarian.

rabbit afraid

Video Credit: @RabbitsLife

Is Your Rabbit Afraid? How to Help Your Scared Bunny


Overcoming fear response in your rabbit takes a little understanding of why he is fearful. Has something in your home recently changed? Is there a nearby construction project making loud noises? Have other animals recently been added to your home?

Special Concerns With Rescues

We have found that rescue rabbits sometimes have had a bad past experiences and that can resurface at a later time when something happens to remind him. For instance, if a cat was aggressive to him before, just seeing another cat can cause a fear response.

You might not understand what is triggering his response. If you understand his body language, you can actually prevent some of these problems. Learn his normal behavior to help you understand what might cause fear or anxiety.


How to Calm Down a Scared Bunny

Your Rabbit Is Suddenly Frightened. What Should You Do?

First, consider what caused the fear. If your rabbit is scared by loud music or sudden noises, stop the noise, if possible. If other pets seem like potential predators, remove them for now. Sometimes even their owners cause rabbits to feel fearful without even trying. Sudden movements, reaching into the rabbit’s environment, or accidentally hitting the cage might be causes of fear.

For any of the above issues and similar ones, removing the cause is the first step. From there, try to calm the rabbit. This can prove helpful if he is used to being held and cuddled. If not, consider letting him calm down in his own space. You might even darken the room. Rabbits feel more comfortable in their environment.

Keep in mind that rabbits are social animals. If he has a rabbit buddy, staying with him usually helps calm both rabbits.

Make Your Rabbit More Comfortable

Your rabbit’s environment should be calming to him at all times. As prey animals, they need to feel safe. Some environmental factors, such as feeling scared by sudden noises or any social stress, might eventually lead to your rabbit being on high alert all the time.

The key here is to do whatever you need to ensure the external stimuli don’t threaten your rabbit.

Be Calm and Gentle When Handling

Rabbits are naturally fearful. And high levels can make that worse. Just as past experiences can trigger current fear, so can the way that you handle him. Always use a calm, quiet voice. Rabbits are sensitive and will respond to the tone of your voice.

Also, be very gentle. If he senses danger by your tone of voice or rough handling, he cannot feel safe. To prevent a scared rabbit, be quiet, calm, and gentle.

Why Does Your Rabbit Thump His Feet?

When a rabbit senses danger, he might thump his hind feet to make a loud noise. This helps warn off potential predators. It’s also a sign that you must find what is causing fear in him and manage the stress.

rabbit afraid


Can Rabbits Die Of Fear?

While the fear itself might not cause instant death, it can lead to it. Some instances include:

  • heart attack from intense fear
  • running into something from the fear that causes injury
  • stressed rabbits often have a weakened immune system which can lead to illness or an overload of parasites. These can then lead to death.

It’s important to help your rabbit avoid undue stress and fear. His health and even his life may well depend on it. If your rabbit feels anxious, try to manage the problem before the stress levels become toxic.

Help Keep Your Rabbit From Being Scared

Your pet rabbit may offer you many years of companionship. To keep him healthy and happy, learn the signs of a scared rabbit and how to manage them successfully.

Rabbit Afraid? It’s to Be Expected and Manageable

It’s important to understand that rabbits are naturally timid creatures and may become scared or anxious in new or stressful situations. By recognizing the signs of fear and taking steps to help your bunny feel safe and secure, you can create a loving and nurturing environment that promotes their overall well-being.

If you want to learn more about rabbit care and other concerns, be sure to check out our blog at The Rabbit Hop. We dedicate our time to providing helpful tips and advice for bunny owners of all levels of experience. Thank you for reading, and we wish you and your furry friend all the best on your journey together.


Why is my rabbit so afraid of loud noises like thunder or fireworks?

Loud noises can be very frightening to rabbits because they have sensitive ears. In the wild, loud noises often indicate danger, so your bunny may instinctively feel scared and try to hide or run away. You can help your rabbit feel more comfortable during loud noises by creating a safe, quiet space for them to retreat to, such as a covered hutch or a quiet room in your home.

My rabbit seems scared of me. What can I do to build trust and help them feel more comfortable around me?

It’s not uncommon for rabbits to be initially afraid of humans, especially if they haven’t had much socialization or handling in the past. To build trust with your bunny, start by sitting near them and offering them treats or food. Speak to them in a soft, soothing voice and avoid sudden movements that could startle them. Over time, your rabbit will learn to associate you with positive experiences and will become more comfortable being around you.

Can rabbits experience anxiety and how can I help my bunny if they are anxious?

Yes, rabbits can experience anxiety just like humans and other animals. Some signs of anxiety in rabbits include restlessness, hiding, excessive grooming, and loss of appetite. If you suspect your bunny is anxious, try to identify the cause of their stress and remove it if possible. Providing a safe, comfortable space for your bunny with plenty of hiding places and stimulating toys can also help them feel more secure. In severe cases, medication prescribed by a veterinarian may be necessary to help manage your rabbit’s anxiety.

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