Experts consider stress and anxiety to be a national health crisis in America. Rather than drugs, many are now turning to more natural remedies for dealing with emotional stresses. For many, this natural method includes emotional support animals. What type of animal works best as a therapy animal? Is your perfect companion an emotional support rabbit?


Rabbits Make Remarkable Therapy Animals and Emotional Support Pets.

People struggling with anxiety and depression, know firsthand the comfort that having an emotional support animal can bring. Emotional support animals (ESAs) are pets that provide comfort and support to individuals with mental health conditions. They are different from service animals, which are trained to perform specific tasks for individuals with disabilities.

ESAs can be any type of animal, from dogs and cats to birds and even rabbits. In this article, I want to focus specifically on emotional support rabbits and why they might be the perfect companion for you.


emotional support rabbit


What is an Emotional Support Rabbit?

An emotional support rabbit is a pet rabbit that a mental health professional has prescribed to help alleviate symptoms of a mental health condition. ESAs are different from pets in that they are considered a part of a person’s treatment plan for their mental health.

ESAs are not required to have any specific training, but they should be well-behaved and not pose a threat to others. Emotional support rabbits are known for being quiet, calm, and affectionate animals, making them an ideal choice for individuals who live in apartments or have limited space.

For an inspiring story of an ESA Rabbit, read Jerry’s Story.

Legal Protections for Emotional Support Animals

Under the Fair Housing Act, individuals with disabilities are allowed to keep emotional support animals in their homes, even if the building has a “no pets” policy. This means that landlords cannot discriminate against individuals who need an ESA and must make reasonable accommodations to allow them to keep their animal in their home.

Additionally, under the Air Carrier Access Act, individuals with disabilities are allowed to bring their emotional support animal on flights with them. However, airlines may require documentation from a mental health professional stating that the individual needs the animal for emotional support.


Benefits of Having an Emotional Support Rabbit

There are many benefits to having an emotional support rabbit. For one, rabbits are quiet animals, making them an ideal choice for individuals who live in apartments or have close neighbors. They are also low-maintenance pets, requiring only a small amount of space and food.

Rabbits are also known for being affectionate animals, and many people find comfort in petting and cuddling with their emotional support rabbit. This can help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression and promote feelings of calm and relaxation.


emotional support rabbit


How to Get a Rabbit for Emotional Support

To get an emotional support rabbit, you will need to speak with a mental health professional. They will be able to assess your mental health and determine if an emotional support animal would be beneficial for you. If they decide an ESA would be helpful, they can write you a prescription for an emotional support rabbit.

Once you have your prescription, you can begin looking for a rabbit that would be a good fit for you. It’s important to choose a rabbit that is well-behaved, friendly, and comfortable being handled. You can find rabbits for emotional support at local animal shelters, rabbit rescues, or from breeders.

For help in this process, check out:


Choosing the Right Emotional Support Rabbit for You

When choosing an emotional support rabbit, it’s important to consider your lifestyle and living situation. If you live in a small apartment, you may want to choose a smaller rabbit that doesn’t require a lot of space. If you have children or other pets, you will want to choose a rabbit that is friendly and comfortable around others.

It’s also important to choose a rabbit that is healthy and well-cared for. Make sure to ask the breeder or rescue about the rabbit’s medical history and any vaccinations they may have received.


emotional support rabbit


Rabbit Breeds Known to be Good Emotional support animals

In general, an ESA rabbit should be calm and enjoy cuddling. While great prospects might be found in any breed, some breeds are bred to be calmer and enjoy being handled more. They also need to be the right size for the person to handle. For most people, this might mean a smaller rabbit. However, for some, large breed rabbits make better companion pets as they often are calm and less stressed with handling by kids.

Your therapist might also have recommendations based on the disability and the needs of the owner.


Some of our top choices include: 

(click on the links for more breed information)

These breeds tend to be calm and enjoy being handled. Of course, there are individuals within each breed that would not be as good for companionship. Choose accordingly.


Breeds we generally don’t recommend (but might be good for some!) include:

(click on the link to learn more about the breed)


The Netherland Dwarf might be a good choice if you choose a calm rabbit. But many owners find them less cuddly and with a bit of attitude.

The others are more active breeds. For some patients, this might be a good quality. But for an owner who wants to manage stress by the rabbit sitting quality on his lap being petted, they might not be the best choice.


Do ESA Rabbits need to be purebred?

No, they can be any breed or mixed breed. In fact, ma ny mixes make great companions.  The point is, you need to search for a bunny that you can bond with. He should enjoy being petted and handled. You might prefer one color over another. But for ESA, the bunny’s physical appearance doesn’t matter. What matters is his ability to support your emotional needs.



Caring for Your Emotional Support Rabbit

Caring for an emotional support rabbit is relatively easy, but it does require some effort. Rabbits need a clean, spacious living area with plenty of bedding to burrow in. They also need fresh water and hay available at all times, as well as daily feedings of fresh vegetables and fruits.

It’s important to spend time with your emotional support rabbit every day, petting and cuddling with them to help promote feelings of calm and relaxation. You will also need to provide them with regular veterinary care to ensure that they stay healthy.


Tips for Bonding with Your Emotional Support Bunny

Bonding with your emotional support rabbit is an important part of building a strong relationship with them. One way to bond with your rabbit is to spend time with them every day, whether it’s playing with them or simply sitting with them while they explore their surroundings.

You can also bond with your rabbit by offering them treats and hand-feeding them. This can help build trust between you and your rabbit and make them more comfortable around you.


Emotional Support Bunny vs. Other Emotional Support Animals

While emotional support rabbits are not as common as dogs or cats, they can be just as effective in providing comfort and support to individuals with mental health conditions. Rabbits are known for being quiet, low-maintenance pets that can thrive in smaller living spaces.

Additionally, rabbits have been shown to have a calming effect on individuals, which can help reduce feelings of anxiety and depression. They are also hypoallergenic animals, making them a good choice for individuals with allergies.



Success Stories of ESA Rabbits

There are many success stories of individuals who have found comfort and support from their emotional support rabbits. One such story is that of Sarah, who struggled with anxiety and depression for years before getting her emotional support rabbit, Peanut.

Sarah says having Peanut by her side has helped her feel calmer and more grounded, even in stressful situations. Peanut is always there to cuddle with her and provide emotional support when she needs it most.


Is a Rabbit for Emotional Support the Perfect Companion for You?

In conclusion, emotional support rabbits can be a great choice for individuals with mental health conditions. They are quiet, low-maintenance pets that can provide comfort and support when you need it most.

If you are considering getting an emotional support rabbit, make sure to speak with a mental health professional to assess whether an ESA would be helpful for you. Once you have your prescription, you can begin looking for the perfect emotional support bunny to bring into your life.


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