You have to prevent rabbit injuries to keep it healthy and strong. Whether your pet is indoors or outdoors, some elements can harm it. Knowing what is harmful to your bunny can help it avoid rabbit injuries. In this blog post, you will learn how to treat your rabbit if it is injured and how to prevent them. Keep reading to learn more!


Torn Toenails

Cutting rabbit's nails to prevent rabbit injuries

Bunnies with long and bent nails are prone to injuries. Their claws are caught up on crevices and gaps in their enclosures. Torn toenails caused so much pain to bunnies, limiting their movements. It also takes more than six months before the toenails grow back. If the injury is extensive, the toenails may not regrow anymore.

Clean the nail beds to prevent bacterial infection if the rabbit’s nails have been pulled off. The bleeding will also be minimized by applying pressure for at least two to three minutes. Observe if there is any redness and swelling after 24 to 72 hours. If you have observed any of these signs, bring your bunny to the vet immediately.

How to Prevent: Protect your rabbit from injuries by consistently trimming its nails. Schedule nail trimming sessions at least once a month, focusing on only the tip to maintain optimal length. Enhance the process by providing a scratching post and digging site within its hutch. Outdoor foraging can further contribute to slowing down the growth of your rabbit’s nails. Keep their paws healthy and happy with these tips on trim nails, nail trimming, and the importance of focusing on only the tip for your rabbit’s well-being.”


Back and Leg Fractures

Handling bunny properly to prevent rabbit injuries

Unlike cats and dogs, rabbits have brittle bones. Thus, they are more prone to back and leg fractures. Causes of back and leg fractures include sudden kicks, improper diet, and mishandling. These may result in paralysis of the hind limbs o severe spinal trauma. A fractured back or leg is diagnosed through radiography and hematology. 

The vet may conduct cage rest and anti-inflammatory therapy to treat bunnies. However, the treatment will take weeks to months. If the spinal cord is already severely damaged, euthanasia may be advised. Inflammation and bruising require supportive care to heal.

How to Prevent: Back and leg fractures are severe conditions. You can avoid rabbit injuries by handling your pet correctly. You must also ensure that you provide it with the proper diet to strengthen its bones. Control the amount of food you feed your pet since overweight bunnies are prone to fractures. Sudden movements must also be avoided so you won’t frighten your pet.


Injuries caused by Predators


As prey animals, rabbits are vulnerable to predators. Although they are adorable, some animals treat them as delicious meals. Wolves, coyotes and large birds may feed on these furry pets. Unfortunately, household pets like dogs and cats may also hurt your bunny. They may get bitten or scratched by these pets.

In case your pet has been bitten by a predator, you must clean the skin-deep wound. Dilute the iodine solution in warm water, then apply it to the wound. Never use cold water since it may cause shock to your pet. For a small cut, applying an antibiotic ointment can help to heal the wound.

How to Prevent: To prevent rabbit injuries caused by predators, ensure that your pet has a safe cage. Aside from that, supervise your bunny when it is playing outdoors. You must also have a tall fence to prevent wild animals from entering your yard. If you have household pets like cats and dogs, observe before introducing your bunny. Make sure that they are friendly and calm.




Rabbits safe indoors

Whether your bunny is indoors or outdoors, it may encounter accidents. A bunny may get crushed by the door after you have slammed it. Or it may be squeezed by chairs or tables. It may suffer from internal damage or fractures. If you have noticed any bleeding, you must bring your pet to the vet immediately.

Some bunnies may look well after an accident, so you must observe their behaviors for some time. Injured rabbits tend to have difficulty breathing, appetite loss, or lethargy. You must have your bunny checked right away if it is unwell. The vet will diagnose your pet to see if it has any fractured bones or damaged organs. 

How to Prevent: The best way to prevent accidents is to make your home rabbit-proof. Don’t let your bunny run around inside your house. Keep it away from dangerous areas with doors, chairs, and tables. You must also arrange the furniture pieces, preventing the bunny from getting squeezed.


Eye Injuries


Your rabbit might have an eye inquiry if any foreign objects enter its eyes. Although rare, a bunny’s eye may pop out due to major trauma, such as a predator attack. It is called rabbit eye proptosis. Eye injuries must be treated immediately to prevent infection.

Cotton and saline or lubrication can remove the foreign objects in the bunny’s eyes. If it is difficult to remove, the vet may need to sedate your pet before removing the objects. For proptosis, the vet needs to surgically remove the bunny’s eye since it is hanging from the optic nerve.

How to prevent: Cleaning your bunny’s cage can help to prevent rabbit injuries. As much as possible, protect your bunny’s eyes when taking it out of the cage. It will prevent your pet’s eyes from catching hay, dust, or other foreign objects. You must protect your pet from predators and other household pets like dogs.


Chewing is one of the instincts of bunnies. They tend to mistake electric wires for roots. Thus, they bite them to check if it’s food. Unfortunately, it leads to electrocution. If this happens, never reach out for your rabbit or the electric wire since you may also be electrocuted. Turn off the electrical breaker, then unplug the wire. You must use a broom to move your bunny away from the live wire.

An electrocuted bunny usually has trouble breathing and suddenly collapses. To treat your rabbit, the vet may give intravenous fluids or antibiotics. Heart medications may also be provided, especially if there are arrhythmias. An eye drop will be applied if your bunny’s eyes have been burned.

How to Prevent: Prevent your pet from getting electrocuted by keeping away the wires. If your bunny lives indoors, you must ensure that the cables and wires are out of reach. You can also place them behind the furniture inaccessible to your pet.



Prevent rabbit injuries

Because of bunnies’ curious personalities, they are susceptible to poisoning. A substance that may look harmless to you can be deadly to these rabbits. Rodent poisons and herbicide products are toxic. Even garden plants such as ivy, rhubarb, and foxglove can poison your pet.

Bunnies that have been poisoned may experience diarrhea and abdominal tenderness. Your pet may also suffer from bleeding, vomiting, and irregular heartbeat. You can give activated charcoals to your pet since it helps in binding the poison in the stomach. Blood transfusions and hydration therapy may be necessary. 

How to Prevent: Avoid rabbit injuries like poisoning by hiding hazardous elements. If you have toxic household plants, place them in an elevated place where your pet cannot reach them. Herbicides and rodent poisoning must be kept inside a storage room or a cabinet.

Grooming Injuries

Using incorrect grooming tools and improper procedures can lead to grooming injuries. Bunnies have quick, a vein inside the claw. When you cut its nails too short, the quick may bleed. Don’t panic if it happens. The best solution is to apply cornflour to the injured area to stop the bleeding.

You must also be careful when brushing your pet’s coat. Bunnies have sensitive skins, and pulling their coats may lead to injuries. Suppose you have accidentally scratched your pet while grooming it. In that case, you may clean it with cotton and apply a small amount of betadine. If the wound is deep, it is better to have it checked by the vet.

How to Prevent: When cutting your rabbits’ nails, use nail clippers for rabbits. They are smaller, preventing you from cutting the nails too short. Also, ensure that your pet is calm to avoid rabbit injuries. Also, have a partner to hold your pet to prevent it from moving. Use a proper brush to avoid scratching its skin when brushing its coat.

Grooming a bunny

Heat Stroke

Since bunnies have few sweat glands and their bodies are covered with furs, they are prone to heat stroke. It is a severe condition that may lead to death if not cured immediately. Symptoms of heat stroke may include panting, reddening of the ears, and drooling. It may also have slow movements and show confusion. 

Save your rabbit from heatstroke by gently wiping its ears with cold water. Also, put a damp towel inside its enclosure. You must also let it drink small amounts of water and place its pen under shade. If your bunny is unconscious, you must bring it to the vet immediately.

How to Prevent: Avoid rabbit injuries by giving your pet a well-ventilated hutch. You must also place its cage in a spot with enough shade. Giving it enough amount of water will also keep it hydrated. You can put dump water inside your pet’s cage during hot days to cool it down.

Frequently Asked Questions

How will I prevent rabbit injuries when my pet is outdoors?

You can avoid rabbit injuries when your pet is outdoors by supervising it. Never leave your pet alone while exercising or playing in the yard. Aside from that, you must keep away from toxic garden plants and chemical products. Putting a tall fence will also prevent predators from going inside your yard.

How will I prevent rabbit injuries when my pet is indoors?

Making your home rabbit-proof will avoid rabbit injuries. Instead of letting your bunny freely roam around, you can provide it with a vast playpen. You must also not let it go to dangerous areas where there are doors, pieces of furniture, and chairs. Prevent your pet from chewing wires by ensuring they are accessible and out of reach.

How will I prevent rabbit injuries when my bunny lives with other household pets?

Never introduce your pet to aggressive household pets. Ensure that you have calm dogs and cats. If they are unfriendly, it would be better if you keep your bunny outdoors. You also have to supervise your pet when taking it out of its cage.



You can easily prevent rabbit injuries by learning what is unsafe for your pet. Aside from that, you must know what to do if they get injured. Since bunnies are vulnerable, you must give them enough protection from predators. Most of all, you must provide them with an environment where they can live safely. 

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