Many people look for an easy-to-care-for pet and consider cats and rabbits among the choices. So, let’s compare cats vs. rabbits. Which of them are better pets? This blog post will help you answer this question. You will learn the pros and cons of keeping cats and rabbits. Thus, it will be easier for you to decide which suits your personality and lifestyle. It will also give you an idea of how bunny and cat behave toward its owners. Enjoy reading!

cats vs. rabbits

Cats vs. Rabbits: Which are more costly?


As we know, cats and rabbits are popular pets. Knowing the price will help you decide if you will get a pet cat or rabbit. While purebred cats might cost hundreds of dollars or more, your local shelter often has an abundance of friendly cats that need homes.

Besides the cat, you also have to spend on the initial set-up. It includes all cat care supplies, such as a carrier, litter box, and food and water bowls. You also plan to spend on the cat’s vaccinations, spaying or neutering, and microchip. Don’t forget to buy grooming tools like a brush and nail clipper. The initial set-up of keeping ranges between $150 and $300. However, when acquired from a shelter, the initial vaccinations and vet costs may be included in the adoption fee.

Annual costs for your pet cat might range from $500 to $1000. This includes premium cat food and treats, healthcare, grooming, and annual or semi-annual vet visits. You might also want to add in pet insurance, pet rent, and extras like boarding if you go on vacation.


Comparing the Annual Costs


If you are considering having a rabbit as a pet, there are various breeds that you can choose from. The price of the bunny may depend on its age, breed, and quality. Adopting a bunny from a shelter may only cost less than $25. If you want a show-quality pet, expect to pay more. Currently, show-quality rabbits cost more than $100.

Although rabbits are small pets, they need a lot of supplies. A bunny’s cage can cost at least $50 to $100. Since it requires a lot of exercise, a playpen is also necessary. A rabbit’s supplies include a litter box, hay feeder, food bowl, and water bottle. Moreover, grooming tools must be included in your budget. Overall, the initial set-up might run from $150 to $500.

But how much is the yearly cost of keeping a rabbit? Let’s check! Rabbits are herbivores, so you must provide them with hay. Pellet and leafy vegetables are also included in their diet throughout the year. You might spend from $100 to $600. Other expenses include healthcare, environment maintenance, insurance, and entertainment. In total, it takes $600 to $1,100 to keep a bunny for a year.

As we can see, either pet might be nearly free to acquire. But the initial supplies and monthly costs can add up.It is possible to find budget-friendly ways to acquire the needed supplies and equipment. Buying used is one way. Sometimes a friend has extra supplies they no longer need.

We suggest you find ways to buy in bulk rather than using low-quality foods. Animals fed premium foods usually need less medical care than those on lower-quality ingredients. Check with your vet on his recommendations.

A young Persian cat with a black rabbit

Cats vs. Rabbits: Which are easier to feed?


Next, we have to check which of the two pets is easier to feed. Is it a pet cat or rabbit? Cats are obligatory carnivores, so they require a lot of protein, some fats, and a few carbs. The diet of an adult can consist of 50% to 60% protein and 30% to 50% fat. Moreover, these feline pets must be fed at least once or twice daily. Overfed or underfed cats may suffer from diabetes or hyperthyroidism.

So, what are the typical foods for our feline friends? Cat owners give their pets dry, semi-moist, and canned food. Dry food is a mixture of meat, meat by-products, poultry, fish meal, and grain. Meanwhile, semi-moist food combines meat, meat by-products, preservatives, and fillers. premium canned food consists of meat and meat by-products only. Beware of canned cat foods that contain high amounts of grains and other fillers. While cats might survive on these, they often develop health problems as a result.

Even though treats can strengthen your bond with a pet cat, you must give these foods in moderation. Plenty of treats can make your pet a fussy eater, causing an imbalance in its diet. Besides, it can make a cat overweight and obese, making it more prone to severe illnesses. Some healthy treats you can feed your cat are cooked chicken, fish, and beef.


Cats are carnivores, rabbits are herbivores!


On the contrary, rabbits are herbivores. They need a plant-based diet that is rich in fiber to remain healthy. The primary food of bunnies is hay. It must be at least 70% to 80% of their diet. Since they are hindgut fermenters, they require unlimited hay to aid their digestion. Without enough fiber, these furry pets may experience gastrointestinal stasis.

Aside from hay, you must also give leafy greens to bunnies. They are good sources of vitamins and minerals. But as a warning, not all veggies are suitable for rabbits. Prevent feeding them iceberg lettuce, potatoes, kidney beans, and mushrooms. These are highly toxic to rabbits, leading to severe illnesses.

When it comes to diet, a bunny and cat have lots of differences. However, deciding which is easier to feed will depend on you. If you are vegetarian, leafy greens are more accessible to you. In fact, many vegetarians prefer to have a pet that needs vegetables. They might prefer not to feed their pet meat at all.

But if you love to eat meat, it will be easier for you to feed a cat. The most vital thing is that your pet will have a balanced and nutritious diet.

cats vs. rabbits

Cats vs. Rabbits: Which of them needs a larger space?


If you live in a small apartment, you may want to know how big the living space cats and rabbits require. Putting cats is not recommended unless for specific reasons. But as much as possible, you should let them freely roam inside and outside your house. These feline pets feel trapped inside tiny cages. It may lead to extreme trauma and stress.

The ideal area requires about 18 square feet in terms of living space. It is enough room for this feline pet to roam and play around. However, cats are more concerned with the type of space than its actual measurement. It would prefer a high living space where it can climb and hide. The more cats you have, the more space they need.


The smaller the rabbit is, the smaller space it needs!


Generally, a bunny’s hutch must be large enough for them to move and stretch easily. The suitable hutch size for a small rabbit breed is 3 to 4 square feet. Meanwhile, medium-sized rabbits require at least 8 square feet. For larger breeds like Flemish Giants, you must provide them with an enclosure of at least 24 square feet.

Identical to cats, rabbits can also live indoors. However, you must keep your house bunny-proof. Since they are curious, they love to nibble the things pleasing to their eyes. Bunnies may also eat toxic household plants, thinking they are delicious treats. Hence, you should prioritize their safety if you want them to live indoors.

To keep your bunny outdoors, you must keep it safe against predators. Its enclosure must be sturdy enough. The hutch must be under shade to protect your pet against extreme temperatures. You must also put it in a quiet and peaceful environment so it won’t get stressed.

Whether you choose a pet cat or rabbit, provide it with enough space to move comfortably. Cats can live indoors but ensure they have something to climb on. If not needed, don’t put to cage these feline pets. Providing hutches for rabbits is recommended to protect them against predators. You can let a bunny and cat roam freely inside your home as long as they are safe.

Note: Cats or rabbits, kept indoors, may develop destructive habits. Rabbits chew. Some of them chew everything! Cat often claw furniture, topple over plants, and find fun in many ways. Prepare to pet-proof your home, regardless of the size.

A rabbit in cage and a cat outside

Cats vs. rabbits: Which of them is more active?


Now, let’s see which is more active between a bunny and cat! You may be wondering why cats sleep most of the time. Some believe that they are nocturnal, but these feline friends are crepuscular! It means that they are most active during dusk and dawn. Cats also have to conserve energy by sleeping during the day to hunt at night.

Like other household pets, cats also need to exercise to maintain a healthy weight. A 30-minute a day is enough for your pet. You also don’t have to force it to exercise when it doesn’t want to. The best way to exercise your feline pet is to provide toys that will stimulate it. These are cat trees, stuffed mice, and a cat exercise wheel.


Similar to cats, rabbits are crepuscular, too!


Have you ever noticed? Rabbits love spending their daytime resting but are active from dusk to dawn. They find it safer to sleep and hide during the day and night since more predators are lurking at these times. You can schedule exercise and other routines early in the morning or late in the afternoon. The best time to play with them is at night.

Unlike cats, rabbits need more exercise to stay fit. You should let them play outdoors for at least three to four hours. There are also rabbit breeds that are more active and playful than others. If you cannot supervise your bunny outdoors, you can let it roam freely inside your house. Adding ramps and tunnels inside the enclosure is also beneficial.

Surprisingly, cats and rabbits are crepuscular animals. They are more active during dusk and dawn than day and night. However, rabbits need more exercise than cats to remain fit and healthy. Bunnies should be given enough time to play and hop around. Letting these pets roam freely indoors can encourage them to exercise.

cats vs. rabbits

Cats vs. rabbits: Which of them is more sociable?


Before getting cats and rabbits, one must know which of them is more sociable. Which of them needs more attention: is it a pet cat or rabbit? Many owners misconceive cats as cold and solitary pets. However, these cats are friendly but on their terms. They choose who they want to get along with.

As control freaks, most of these feline friends don’t like to be cuddled or handled forcibly. That’s why they tend to scratch and bite. You should let them approach you and sit in your lap. Once they get comfortable with you, they won’t hesitate to show affection. Cats may seem independent pets but long for their owners’ attention.


Not like cats, some rabbit breeds love to be handled and cuddled!


Because of their docile and gentle personality, rabbits are becoming popular. These furry pets quickly get along with any owner since they are sociable and friendly. Other breeds also love playing and interacting with children. Bunnies are also ideal for seniors due to their laid-back and calm demeanor.

Furthermore, most rabbits love to be cuddled and petted by their owners. Some of them may feel depressed when not given enough attention. Rabbits can also get along with other household pets as long as they are gentle and friendly. However, some breeds can be jumpy and aggressive. But you can win their trust by providing them with delicious treats.

In terms of sociability, a bunny and cat show affection differently. Since cats love to take control, they don’t want to be forced to do something they don’t want. They are ideal pets for owners who like independent pets. Meanwhile, rabbits are perfect companions for those who love cuddling their pets. Overall, a bunny and cat are loving and adorable.

cats vs. rabbits

Cats vs. rabbits: Which of them has a longer life?


One of the considerations when choosing a pet is its lifespan. Do cats and rabbits have long lives to accompany their owners? The average lifespan of a cat is between 12 to 14 years. But some feline pets can live past 20 years. Their lifespan may depend on their breed and how you care for them.

According to the Guinness World Records, a cat named Flossie had the longest life. It reached 26 years which is 120 years in human life. Some breeds with the longest lifespans include Ragdoll, Burmese, and Siamese. Domesticated cats can live longer than those that are outdoors. Road traffic accidents and catfights reduce their life expectancies. 


Compared to cats, rabbits have shorter lifespans!


Although rabbits have an average lifespan of eight to twelve years, cats can outlive them. Some bunnies live longer due to their breeds and the proper care their owners give them. However, it is long enough for you to enjoy their companionship. There are also rabbit breeds that can have long lives. These are Netherland Dwarf, Himalayan, and Polish.

Because of predators and road accidents, wild rabbits have shorter lifespans. They can only live between two to ten years. Giving your bunny a proper diet and a healthy environment can help prolong its life. The oldest bunny that was recorded lived for 18 years and ten months. 

As we see, cats have longer lives than rabbits. However, it may still depend on how you care for them. They are also breeds that have longer lifespans compared to other cats. On the other hand, domesticated rabbits have longer lives than wild bunnies. You can also pick rabbits with long lives, such as the Himalayan and Netherland Dwarf. However, a bunny and cat’s lifespans are enough to create precious memories with you. Watch the video below to learn the life cycle of a rabbit from birth to old age.

Cats vs. rabbits: Which of them is much cleaner?


In the animal world, cats and rabbits are known to be meticulous when grooming. But which of the two is much cleaner? Is it a pet cat or rabbit? Regarding grooming, cats are at the top of the list. They are known as the cleanest pets among domesticated pets.

But how meticulous are cats with their hygiene? Much of a cat’s day is spent on grooming itself. It will keep its fur clean and unscented by grooming it with its saliva. Besides, they bury their waste and clean themselves after their toilet time. Cats also loathe other scents and the feeling of being dirty. As mesopredators, they have to keep themselves undetected.


Although cats are more meticulous, rabbits are also clean pets!


Like cats, rabbits also spend a lot of time grooming themselves. It is also a form of bonding when they are in a group. They also use their tongues to clean their furs. However, when shedding, you should brush their coats since they tend to ingest loose furs. It may lead to a condition called “woolblock”.

Moreover, you can also train your rabbit to use its litter box, especially if it is indoors. Some breeds are quicker to learn than others. But you must remain patient and committed when training your bunnies. A stressed bunny may also overgroom itself, so you must observe its behavior.

A bunny and cat are known for their grooming behaviors. Both spend more hours keeping their coats clean and groomed. They are also excellent pets when it comes to keeping their waste in the litterbox. Furthermore, rabbits also love to groom themselves. You can also train them how to use their litter boxes.

Some note that the litter box of a cat produces more odor than that of the nearly odorless rabbit litter. This is true, however there are some additives that can help reduce cat litter odor. And cleaning the box frequently makes a difference, too.

a black cat with a bunny



Have you decided which is better: cats and rabbits? Regarding price, cats are less costly in terms of yearly expenses. They also have longer lifespans compared to bunnies. However, rabbits are more affectionate to their owners. Furthermore, smaller bunnies need smaller space. Whether you choose a pet cat or rabbit, bunny and cat are excellent companions.

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