An indoor pet rabbit is undeniably adorable. However, before getting one, you must know the pet rabbit pros and cons. It takes commitment and responsibility to keep a bunny healthy and robust. You must give them enough love and attention like other household pets. Because of their features, rabbits also have special needs that you must provide. Learn what are the pet rabbit pros and cons through this blog post!





Pro #1: Indoor pet rabbit is a good companion

Since most indoor rabbits are gentle and docile, they can quickly get along with their owners. These adorable furry pets don’t hesitate to ask for attention. They would affectionately approach their fur parents for petting and cuddling. Breeds like Thrantia rabbits are unselfish. They remain sweet even though their owners don’t spend much time with them.

Unlike other pets, some rabbits can get along even with strangers. They give their trust without hesitation if they are handled and treated correctly. Sociable breeds also get along quickly with other rabbit companions. They also thrive whenever they have enough interaction with other bunnies. 

Besides the rabbits’ personalities, they also have a long life. The average lifespan of bunnies is between five and eight years. But with proper care, they could live up to twelve years. It is enough time for you to enjoy the bunny’s love and attention. You can also build memories that can last for a lifetime. An indoor pet rabbit is suitable for senior citizens, singles, couples, and families. It has a good personality that can make a home lively. 

An owner playing with her indoor

Pro #2: Indoor pet rabbit doesn’t require too much space

Dwarf and medium-sized rabbit breeds don’t require much space. You can keep them even when living in a small apartment or rented house. Tiny bunnies only need a hutch at least 24 inches wide by 24 inches high by 36 inches long. Active rabbits need at least four hours of exercise, but other breeds are not too playful.

Letting an indoor pet rabbit live inside your home is much safer. It will be protected from predators and harsh weather conditions. As long as your bunny can run, hope, and stretch out comfortably inside your home, it is enough to keep it happy. It is also unnecessary to let your rabbit stay outdoors unless you don’t have enough space.

An indoor pet rabbit inside a hutch

Pro #3: Indoor pet rabbits are intelligent


Rabbits are not only adorable, but they are also intelligent pets. You can train them in different tricks and play fun games with them. It will not only stimulate your bunny’s mind, but it will also strengthen your bond. As a reminder, some rabbit breeds are quicker to learn than others. However, you must give your time and commitment so they will learn the tricks.

Some tricks you can teach your bunny are agility courses, spin on cue, jump, and fetch. Since bunnies love routine, ensure that you schedule the training. Aside from that, you should not force your rabbit to learn new tricks if it’s not in the mood. The purpose of teaching your rabbit is to enjoy each others’ company. It is also an opportunity to train your pet how to use its litter box.

As an intelligent pet, your bunny may use gestures to communicate with you. The more you know its gestures’ meaning, the easier you will understand its behavior. It may also use its actions to communicate with you. As much as possible, know your bunny so you can easily give its needs and desires.

Pro #4: Can quickly get along with kids


Depending on the breed, some rabbits can quickly get along with kids. Most rabbits are sociable, playful, and friendly. They are also patient with children. Also, letting your kids own rabbits will help them to become responsible. An indoor pet rabbit can also provide comfort and support to your child. It can also boost his esteem and confidence.

A study also reveals that rabbit pets are less likely to cause allergies to their owners. There are also hypoallergenic rabbit breeds that trigger fewer allergic reactions. Some of these are Rex, Mini Rex, Silver Marten, and Tan. If your kid has an allergy, you can choose any of these bunnies as his pet.

A kid feeding an indoor pet rabbit

Pro #5: Different breeds you can choose from


There are at least 305 rabbit breeds that you can choose from. Every breed is unique not only in features but also in temperament and behavior. If you have a small space, you can keep dwarf breeds like Netherland Dwarfs and Holland Lops. Large rabbits are also available such as the Flemish Giant and Checkered Giant.

If you have an active lifestyle, some bunnies can keep up with you. They don’t only exercise every day, but they also have enough energy to play with you. Smaller breeds are known to be more enthusiastic than larger ones. Some bunnies can thrive even in busy households because they demand much attention.

When choosing an indoor rabbit pet, you must select a breed you can live with for a long time. Keeping a pet is not only a responsibility but also a commitment. You must also consider the rabbit expenses, such as food, litter, cage, and maintenance. Ensure that you have enough budget to make your pet comfortable and happy.

It would also be helpful if you knew the pet rabbit pros and cons so that you can assess if it is the right breed for you. Before getting a bunny, make sure that you have done your research. Some rabbits are easier to keep since they are low-maintenance. However, some rabbits require special care due to their long furs, giant bodies, or lop ears.


Con #1: Sensitive digestive system and skin


One of the disadvantages of owning an indoor pet rabbit is that it has a sensitive digestive system. As hind-gut fermenters, they have an organ called the cecum. It is located at the end of the digestive tract of a bunny. Special microbes are inside the cecum, digesting and breaking down fibers and feedstuffs. 

The cecum requires a high-fiber diet since it maintains the population of microbes. Proper digestion is possible if your rabbit’s gut has a healthy microbial population. However, too much sweets and calories can disrupt the population of microbes. Hence, it may result in gastrointestinal stasis.

Besides their sensitive digestive systems, bunnies also have sensitive skins. You must never apply chemical products to their coats unless prescribed by the vet. When grooming them, you need to use the appropriate comb. Pulling their furs may also cause injuries to their skin. If you need ear solution or conditioner, ask for the vet’s prescription.

In addition to that, bunnies are more prone to heat stress because they don’t have sweat glands. Aside from that, they also have the furry body. A temperature of 85 degrees can result in heat stroke. Thus, you must keep your pet in a well-ventilated enclosure. It must also be protected from the direct heat of the sun.

Con #2: Frightened with other household pets like cats and dogs


As prey animals, bunnies are afraid of predators like cats and dogs. In fact, loud noises can stress them and lead to extreme terror. If you have aggressive cats and dogs in your house, it is not advisable to keep bunnies. However, other bunnies can get along with calm household pets.

You must observe your bunny’s reactions if you have a bunny and a dog or a cat living inside your house. Easygoing rabbits with low-flight responses can live with other household pets. It would be better if your dog or cat is already old so they would be less playful and active.

Con #3: Rabbits love to chew


Chewing is an instinct of rabbits to trim and wear down their teeth. However, it can be destructive, especially if your bunny is indoors. It may chew the cables and electrical wires, which is dangerous since it may get electrocuted. Aside from that, it may chew your furniture and other valuables inside your home.

Thus, it is crucial to make your home rabbit-proof. Ensure the cables are out of reach and the furniture pieces are protected from your pet’s sharp teeth. You must also keep away toxic household plants and hazardous cleaning products. Please keep your bunny in a spare room with no furniture or sockets.

Con #4: Indoor pet rabbits can get aggressive


Not all bunnies are friendly and docile. Some are aggressive after inheriting the qualities of their wild rabbit descendants. These furry pets prefer to be left alone. They also don’t like to be cuddled and petted. Belgian Hares, Lionheads, and Checkered Giants may show aggressive behavior. Hence, they are not suitable pets for children and first-time owners.

Other rabbits are aggressive because of how their formers treat them. They experienced mishandling, so they are afraid of their current owners. These rabbits may also have been neglected, resulting in a feisty attitude. The good news is that you can win your pet’s trust by giving it enough attention and properly taking care of it.

If you have an aggressive bunny, you must give it time to trust you. Never pick it up since it may bite or scratch you. Giving it treats and respecting its privacy will also help to make your pet comfortable. You can also plan some activities to strengthen your pet’s bond.

Lionhead rabbit

Frequently Asked Questions


Why is it essential to know pet rabbit pros and cons?

Knowing pet rabbit pros and cons can help you decide if a bunny is a perfect pet for you. Aside from that, you will also be able to choose the breed suitable to your budget and lifestyle. It is also better to be prepared to keep a rabbit so you can dedicate your time and effort to it.


Is an indoor pet rabbit a good companion for families with children?

Absolutely! An indoor pet rabbit can be friendly, making your kids feel loved and appreciated. However, you must choose the right breed for your kids. As much as possible, get a bunny that is easy to handle and is low maintenance. Some breeds are rarely feisty and aggressive.


An indoor pet rabbit is a good companion because it is friendly, calm, and affectionate. But we must remember that there are pet rabbit pros and cons. As soon as you decide to get a bunny, you must become accountable both in bad and good times. Knowing the pros and cons of keeping a pet rabbit can help you decide and prepare.


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