Rabbits love to munch on everything, especially if they are foraging in the garden. And rabbits like to eat flowers! However, you should know what flowers are safe for your bunnies. Although flowers are pretty, some of them contain harmful compounds. This blog post will give you an idea of what kinds of flowers your bunny would love to eat. You will also know how they can benefit your pet’s health. Enjoy reading!



Other animals like deer may find aster repulsive. However, it is one of the flowers that rabbits like to eat. However, some bunnies prefer to eat the leaves of the plants because they are tastier. Bunnies enjoy different varieties of aster. Some of these are the purple coneflowers and the blanket flowers.

Besides its taste, rabbits love aster because it is nutritious. It can improve your pet’s digestion, preventing bloating, diarrhea, and gas pain. Since aster is rich in vitamin C, it enhances the immunity of the bunny. It also contains calcium that strengthens the bunny’s bones and teeth. Your bunny can also have good eyesight and a healthy, beautiful coat.

A brown rabbit eating asters



Since celosias are tender plants, rabbits love to eat them. If you have celosias in our garden, don’t be surprised if it is always severely damaged by your pet. The plant benefits your pet since it has beta-carotene and vitamins. In addition, it contains folic acid, ascorbic acid, calcium, iron, and protein.

Celosia flowers



Clover is one of the flowers that your bunny can enjoy eating. Wild rabbits tend to graze during summer and chew these flowers. Besides their excellent taste, clovers are also packed with vitamins beneficial to bunnies. They contain vitamins A, C, and K. Fiber, manganese, and protein are also present in the plant.

However, you should not give your pet a large quantity of clover. Too much protein can also increase urine production, straining your bunny’s kidneys. It can also cause gas pain and bloating to your pet. If you are introducing it to your pet, observe if it’s digesting the flowers properly.

flowers that rabbits like



Coneflowers can keep a deer away, but rabbits find the flowers a delightful snack. Fortunately, they are rich in fiber, aiding your pet’s digestion. But you must give them in moderation since they have strong antioxidant properties. Overfeeding your bunny with coneflower may increase its weight and reduce its mortality. 

Giving coneflower to a small bunny must only be at least ½ to 1 tablespoon thrice a week. For a large bunny, the ideal serving is 1 to 2 tablespoons thrice a week. You must also include the flower in your rabbit’s diet slowly. Feed your pet a small portion of the flower, then observe the quality of its droppings. If they become soft and wet, you should stop feeding cornflowers to your pet.

Coneflowers in the garden

Coral bells


A native perennial flower in North America, the coral bell is one of the favorite treats of rabbits. This flower is available in pink, yellow, red, orange, and purple. There are also different varieties of coral bells wherein each of them has unique tastes. Alpine, dwarf, chameleon, and mosaic coral belles are some of them.

Because of the plant’s high fiber and water content, you don’t have to worry if your pet is munching the plant. It also contains calcium and vitamin C, essential to a rabbit’s diet. Despite the health benefits of coral bells, you should give them in moderation. You should also stop feeding it to your bunny if it starts to vomit and suffer from diarrhea.

Red coral bells



Do you have plenty of daisies in your garden? Feeding your bunny with some of these flowers is beneficial to its health. This flower consists of iron, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and vitamins. In fact, it is suitable for your bunny’s digestion because it is rich in fiber. Chewing these flowers can relieve your pet’s boredom and prevent overgrown teeth. You won’t have a hard time feeding the flowers to your pet since they have sweet petals that rabbits love.

But as a reminder, you should never overfeed your bunny with daisies. Give it to your bunny at least once or twice a week. Rabbits eating large quantities of daisies suffer from GI stasis and soft cecotropes. When giving the daisies, wash them first to remove the dirt and pesticides.

flowers that rabbits like



Rich in nutrients, dandelion is a good treat for your bunny. It has beta-carotene improves the immune system. Calcium, iron, and potassium are also present in the plant. Besides minerals, they are also rich in vitamins such as B, C, E, and D. The best way to give dandelion to your bunny is by chopping it and mixing it with other microgreens. You must also wash it first to ensure that no dirt and pesticide are left. All parts of the plants, including their flowers, leaves, and stems, are safe for rabbits to eat. But you must give them in moderation.

flowers that rabbits like



As a good source of calories, giving hollyhock to your pet is beneficial to its health. Hollyhocks also have vitamins and antioxidants that can protect your pet against diseases. However, you should give the flowers in a minimal amount. It is because rabbits cannot digest large quantities of these flowers.

Hollyhock flowers



Luckily, nasturtium is one of the few flowers that rabbits can consume. These bright flowers are nutritious since they are rich in iron and calcium. They also have cancer-preventive compounds called glucosinolate. The flowers can also improve your pet’s digestion and make its coat lustrous. All parts of nasturtium are also safe for your rabbit. 

To add nasturtium to your bunny’s diet, you must only feed at least two to three ounces daily. Providing large amounts of flowers to your pet may result in digestive issues. You must also ensure that your bunny is not allergic to the flower. A bunny allergic to nasturtium may experience swelling, diarrhea, and difficulty breathing.

A nasturtium plant



As one of the bunnies’ favorite flowers, your pet may keep munching the pansies in your garden. They are good sources of vitamins. With their anti-inflammatory properties, they are beneficial to bunnies that are in pain. Anti-microbial elements are also present, healing injuries.  You can give fresh and dried pansies to your pet. But ensure they are free from pesticides and other chemicals harmful to bunnies. You must also provide it to your bunny in small quantities to prevent any adverse effects. Sprinkle a little pansy on your bunny’s hay to add flavor and variety.

Colorful pansies in the garden



Another safe flower that you can give to your bunny is a petunia. Since it is low in starches, sugar, and carbs, it is a good and healthy treat for your pet. Most rabbits also love to chew petunias because they are tender, especially flowerheads. You can also give the leaves and the stems to your pet. 

Like other flowers, you should never give too much to your pet. Giving it several days a week is enough to satisfy your pet. It would be better if you let your bunny forage for fresh petunias in your garden. But if it is not possible, you can also pick them and mix them with other safe flowers for your pet to eat.

A brown bunny beside petunia pots



Adding roses to your bunny’s diet is a good idea if you want new flavors and textures. Because of their medicinal benefits, roses are also consumed to treat sicknesses. They are rich in protein, carbohydrates, iron, and calcium. The rose petals also contain 95 percent water. Unfortunately, overeating roses can cause diarrhea in your pet. You must not also buy roses from markets since they contain pesticides. When giving roses to your bunny, ensure that you wash them first. You can sprinkle these flowers on the hay or make a salad bowl for your pet.

flowers that rabbits like



All parts of the sunflower are beneficial to your bunny’s health. But like with other flowers, they should be given as treats. The leaves of sunflowers are rich in antioxidants like vitamin E and selenium. Thus, they can protect your bunny against blood diseases and cancers. Sunflowers are safe for your bunny to consume, but they should be given at least once a week. Sunflowers are beneficial but result in digestive issues when taken in large quantities. Also, limit giving sunflower seeds to your pet since they are high in fats and protein. You can begin by giving your bunny at least one or two flowers. Cutting them into small pieces is highly recommended.

flowers that rabbits like



Do you have violets in your garden? You can pick some and feed them to your bunny. They contain potassium, phosphorus, and nitrogen, aiding your pet’s digestion. However, you must choose the varieties you will give to your pet since African violets are toxic. Like other flowers, you must give violets to your pet in small quantities. One to two violets are enough for the day. In addition, fresh violets must be provided to maximize the nutrients your bunny can get. You may also want to break the violets into pieces before giving them to your bunny.

flowers that rabbits like



Zinnia is one of the flowers that rabbits can safely eat. Some species of zinnias have antioxidant, antiviral, and antibacterial properties. They are also high in fiber; thus, feeding them to your pet can improve digestion. Some rabbits also find the taste of zinnia interesting and appealing. But don’t be surprised if your bunny doesn’t like it since it can be too aromatic or prickly for other rabbits. The video below shows other safe flowers for rabbits.



As foragers, rabbits love to explore the garden and look for flowers they can bite. Fortunately, some flowers are safe and beneficial to your rabbit’s health. In feeding flowers to rabbits, remember that moderation is the key. It would prevent your pet from suffering from diarrhea and other digestive issues. You must wash the flowers first to ensure they don’t have dirt and pesticides.

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