Rabbits are playful and curious pets that love exercises and physical activities. But because of their delicate bodies, they must be handled and walked properly. Picking them up incorrectly may injure or hurt them. Also, it can make these adorable creatures frustrated and aggressive. Below are the proper ways to handle and walk your pet rabbit.

Proper Ways to Pick up a Rabbit


Unlike other pets, rabbits have delicate bones, so you must be careful lifting them. Hurting them may turn these creatures aggressive. For first-time owners, it is crucial to know how to pick up a rabbit. Some bunnies don’t like to be picked up, so you have to make them comfortable at you first. They may get frightened if you try to pick them up, resulting in injuries or aggression. Calm your bunny by giving it some leafy greens. You can also sit on the floor to prevent intimidating your pet.

Never hold the bunny on its legs, ears, or tail since it will hurt your pet. The proper way to pick it up is by putting your palm under its chest and lifting it off its front legs. Another way of picking up a rabbit is by holding the loose skin behind its neck. Use your other hand to secure your bunny’s hind legs. Do this step as gently as possible. 

The proper way of carrying a rabbit is by putting one hand on its chest while your other hand supports its behind. Carry the bunny firmly but not too tight. Your force on its body must be enough to prevent your pet from dropping to the ground. Its hind legs must be pointing forward.

Proper Way to Handle a Rabbit


Carry the rabbit in a way that its head is higher than its hindquarters. Never try holding your bunny wherein its head is pointing down. Your pet may jump, injuring itself. You can also try the “football hold” by placing your bunny under your arm, at the side of your abdomen. But ensure that your pet is comfortable in its position.

If you need to let someone hold the bunny, you must pass it correctly. You should never give it in mid-air since your bunny may jump and fall to the ground. It may lead to fractures and other injuries. The best method is to put it on the table and let the other person pick it up. By doing this, accidents can be prevented.

Releasing the bunny ​also requires the proper procedure. If you are using a football hold, place the bunny on the ground while in position. Don’t forget to hold its body since there is a chance that it will jump once it sees the floor. If you are about to put it inside its cage, the bunny must be in front of you while you are placing its hind legs on the hutch. Don’t forget to give it some treats for a job well done. 

Tips for Handling a Rabbit


First, you have to pick up the bunny carefully. Don’t grab it on its ears, limbs, and neck. Unlike other pets, rabbits can have fractures because they don’t have flexible bodies. If your kid wants to play with the bunny, let him sit on the floor and gently put the bunny on his lap. Through this, he will prevent dropping the bunny and injuring it. 

If your pet is hiding under the chair or bed, you must lure it with treats so it will come out. Never pull its legs or its ears. Once it comes out, you can firmly hold its body and secure its hind legs. Also, you should not pick it up by its scruff since it could have a severe neck injury once it moves forcibly.

You must also observe if your bunny doesn’t want to be picked up. Frightening it can make it aggressive towards you. One of the signs that your pet doesn’t want to be lifted is that it is thumping its hind leg as you approach. It may not be a good sign, so you must give your pet time to have a good mood. Or you can calm it down by providing food and petting.

Since some rabbits don’t like to be picked up because of their personalities, you can use a carrying case. It is a secure way of holding a bunny, especially those moving a lot. You can pick the bunny and then transfer it to the case. As much as possible, pick up your pet while it is young so it will be accustomed to it.

Proper Ways to Put a Harness on Your Bunny



Bunnies love walking, but you have to keep them safe by putting a harness on them. It will prevent them from escaping while they are roaming in your backyard. Aside from that, you can keep them safe while walking outdoors. But there is a proper way to harness train a rabbit that will prevent injuries. 

To keep your bunny safe and comfortable, you must choose the best harness for it. You can choose from two types of the harness: vest or strap harness. The vest harness is also available in different designs and sizes. It also provides more comfort to the bunny because it perfectly fits its body. Another type of harness that you can use is a strap harness. It is cheaper, and it is easier to adjust compared to the vest harness. However, you must be careful in using this kind since your pet can easily chew it. 

Once you have a suitable harness, you must first earn its trust. Some bunnies don’t like new things like the harness. But you are lucky if you have a pet that is excited to explore new things. You can spend time with your bunny more often and give it treats, so your pet will trust you. After you have won its trust, help it get comfortable wearing a harness.

To introduce the harness, let your bunny sit on your lap and place the harness beside it. If it starts to get anxious, give it treats to divert its focus. You can also pet your rabbit using the harness, making it familiar with its odor and texture. Once your bunny becomes comfortable, you can put on the harness. At first, your pet may get wriggly, so don’t force it. Try another day until you have put on the harness.

Proper Ways to Walk your Rabbit


After your bunny becomes comfortable, you can train it to walk with its harness. First, let it walk indoors for five to seven days. It will help your bunny to adjust to the harness. Once it gets comfortable, it will be easier for you to take your pet for longer walks. It is also the perfect time to look for a spot outdoors where your bunny can walk. Your pet must be safe from predators, and the pavements must not be too hot. It is better if there are fresh grasses that your pet can munch on.

Now, you can take your rabbit for short walks, helping to adapt to the exercise. Your bunny must walk in the same spot daily. It is because rabbits can get distressed by unfamiliar environments. Let your bunny take the lead, but if it’s going to a dangerous area, pick it up and calm it. 

The next step is to take your bunny for longer walks. You can walk at least 10 to 20 minutes daily, giving enough for your pet to enjoy the fresh air and new scenery. You must still let the rabbit take the lead on long walks. Sometimes, it may move slowly, so you have to be patient. Instead of pulling it, you can carry your bunny gently if you have to move.

Tips for Walking a Rabbit


Don’t let your bunny walk unsupervised, especially if it is wearing a harness. It may get strangled in its harness, resulting in injury. Aside from that, your bunny can be attacked by predators. Or it can also escape out of your backyard. If you cannot go outdoors, you could let your bunny walk inside your home.

As you walk outdoors, you must not let it munch on household plants since most of them are toxic to rabbits. You must prevent some harmful plants: iris, mistletoe, hyacinth, and tulip. Also, beware of feeding grass if you are not in your yard since it may have pesticides. 

Check if your bunny is infested by bugs, especially during hot days. Keep away from mosquitoes and flies since they can cause your pet to have myxomatosis. If you observe that your pet is often scratching, don’t hesitate to bring it to the vet. Aside from bugs, you must also prevent your bunny from experiencing heatstroke. Never walk outside if the temperature is over 28 degrees Celsius.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is the best time to harness-train my rabbit?

Bunnies are crepuscular creatures. Thus, they are very active during the morning and evening. If you are using treats to train your pet, it is the best time to teach them. They are more receptive to instructions and reinforcements.

Why is it essential to harness-train my bunny?

Through the harness train, you can take your bunny wherever you want to go. Because of this, you can have a stronger bond. It will also keep it safe, and there are more activities that it can explore besides walking. A harness-trained rabbit can also perform agility training and hurdles jumping. 

Knowing the best way to handle your rabbit ensures he is safe and happy


You and your bunny can form stronger bonds through proper handling and walking. Aside from that, it will keep your pet safe as it explores new places and performs new activities. Each rabbit owner is responsible for learning how to handle and walk his pet rabbit properly. Thus, the bunnies can grow healthy and happy.


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