Meet The Rabbit Hop
Our family has always had rabbits, along with our other critter crew.
You can meet some of the others on LifeWithMyDogs

My Introduction to Personal Pet Bunnies
We had been without bunnies for a short while when my Mom came home from the local auction barn with a wire pen of rabbits. I don’t remember how many were in that tight space, but I quickly went about fixing up a comfortable place for them. Seeing how much I enjoyed them, Mom often brought more from the auction, usually with some kind of carrier that I could then convert to new housing. When I needed more pens, Dad stepped in and built them.
Why the collection of furry pets? Mom knew I loved them and took good care of them. Honestly, I think she adored them, too. At that time, they could be purchased at the auction barn cheaply, often less than a quarter a piece. Others bought them for meat or breeders. Mom brought home pets. I was hooked!
My Pet Rabbits
Some of these pets became my 4H show bunnies. Although the rabbit project wasn’t popular when I began, it grew quickly when a couple of breeders brought in some beautiful rabbits. My pets didn’t always compete well with them, but I was intrigued by the wide variety of breeds and colors.
Still an enthusiast
Before we married, my soon-to-be husband learned how dedicated to my pets I was. Shortly after we were married and settled into our new home, he decided he would like an English Lop as his personal fur-buddy. Well, we ended up with a pair of English Lops. And they were a source of constant comedy! Jack and Jill, as we named them, loved to play in boxes. They would tuck down inside, then pop up like a Jack in the box toy. Yes, that’s how the name emerged. What a comical pair these two were.
Over time, we added a few more rabbits. I loved the Netherland Dwarfs and the Mini Lops. But soon the American Fuzzy Lop was being formed as a breed. Before they were accepted into ARBA, a friend and I were given the opportunity to have trios. Our fur family was growing.
I’ve also always been fortunate to have canine furkids. Fortunately, ours were kind to our rabbits, though we never let them play alone together. Still today, our family includes dogs and rabbits. An odd combination perhaps, but we make it work for all.