A cat
Variety of Breeds:There are over 60 recognized rabbit breeds worldwide
Variety of Breeds:There are over 60 recognized rabbit breeds worldwide, each with its own unique characteristics in terms of size, coat type, color, & temperament. From the tiny Netherland Dwarf to the majestic Flemish Giant, there's a rabbit breed to suit almost any preference.
A cat
Spay your rabbit to prevent health issues & behavioral problems.
Neutering male rabbits can also reduce hormone-driven behaviors such as lunging, mounting, spraying and boxing. And as with dogs and cats, spayed female rabbits are less likely to get ovarian, mammary and uterine cancers which can be prevalent in mature intact females. #rabbits
A cat
Great Sense of Smell: Rabbits have an excellent sense of smell.
Great Sense of Smell: Rabbits have an excellent sense of smell, which they use to detect predators and locate food. Their noses can twitch up to 120 times per minute, helping them to pick up even the faintest scents in their environment. #rabbit #bunny #therabbithop
A cat
Rabbits need a diverse diet for optimal health. 🐰🌱
Rabbits need a diverse diet for optimal health. Hay should be their main food source, supplemented with fresh veggies and a small portion of pellets. Limit sugary treats to avoid health issues. Remember, a balanced diet is key to keeping your bunny happy and healthy! 🐰🌱
A cat
Rabbits, as hindgut fermenters, digest food twice.
Rabbits, as hindgut fermenters, digest food twice. They produce hard, dry pellets (often not eaten) and soft, moist cecotropes, which they consume directly. This aids in nutrient extraction, particularly fiber digestion. #RabbitFacts #DigestiveSystem #rabbits #bunnies